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Penelope is not good at waiting and refuses to take her time. She likes moving fast even though it causes big mistakes. Will Penelope learn how to be patient or will her rushing cause even bigger problems?

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Tags: Patient Penelope, children’s ebooks, popular books for children, entertaining children’s books, amazon best sellers, recommended  ebooks for children, funny books for kids, best children’s humor

Children's Books | Transitions: 844 | Date: 2017-01-29

Christmas Cats
It is Christmas time, and Inca is ready to enjoy the holiday season with her Siamese sister Cara and brother Fromage, not to forget their adopted hamster Charlotte. Life turns interesting when their neighborhood tough dog - Boss comes around asking for help...
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The Cats Who Crossed Over from Paris 
Inca, a Siberian puss, tells the story about her furry family – her brother Fromage, who is addicted to cheese and considers himself a cheese monger, and her sister, Cara, a gorgeous but timid Siamese.
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Tags: Christmas Cats, The Cats Who Crossed Over from Paris, Inca Cat Series, fun books about cats, fantastic books, entertaining, unique books about cats, cat lovers, animal lovers, adventure books with cats, children’s books with cats, books with cats for young adults, humorous, amazing, unique

Children's Books | Transitions: 881 | Date: 2017-01-19

This collection of Icelandic fairy tales and legends comes from the days of the Vikings. These stories of trolls, magic, Hidden People, and creatures from the sea were passed down from generation to generation, told on cold winter nights in front of the fire before being written down a hundred years ago. The stories are brought together here and updated, so now you can read about trolls that wandered throughout Iceland, the race of Hidden People with strong magic powers and the four powerful beings that protect Iceland from all invaders.

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Tags: The Guardians of Iceland and Other Icelandic Folk Tales, Icelandic fairy tales, Folktales of Iceland, Vikings, trolls, children’s books, children’s ebooks, Hidden People Folktales, Icelandic folktales and legends

Children's Books | Transitions: 778 | Date: 2016-12-13

Behavior Bites is a short, easy-to-read guide that explains the ‘Why’ of picky eating, and provides the ‘How To’ with helpful information to get you on the right track with your picky eater. This quick tip book offers simple yet useful ideas in a concise format that you can have at your fingertips and refer back to whenever needed. Sarah Walter shares strategies in the book to serve as gentle reminders and nonjudgmental nudges, providing the support you need to help your picky eater develop better eating habits and eating behavior.

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Tags: Behavior Bites: Behavioral Eating Tips and Tools for Parents of Picky Eaters, picky eating, why picky eaters, Children's Health, picky eating parenting, tips and advice, guide, Picky Eater Solutions, How to Handle Picky Eaters

Children's Books | Transitions: 922 | Date: 2016-12-05

"This is a great resource for weaning a toddler"
"Clear and positive explanation of weaning"

Join Chloe and her family as they journey through the weaning process. See how fun-loving, sensitive 2.5-year-old Chloe deals with the challenges of the mother-led weaning process. See how her caring and patient parents validate Chloe’s feelings with extra doses of love and understanding. Experience firsthand the joys, frustrations, and real emotions Chloe experiences as she navigates this big life change. Celebrate her pride, as she triumphantly makes the transition to weaned kid in this beautiful new story from author Kristi Patrice Carter.
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Tags: I'm a Weaned Kid Now, weaning process, weaning a toddler, explanation of weaning, best books about weaning process, mom planning to wean, What is weaning, When is it time to wean, weaning tips from moms, best baby and child feeding books, entertaining books about weaning

Children's Books | Transitions: 913 | Date: 2016-10-03

For anyone who enjoys kids and yoga and wants to make a positive difference in their lives, Go Go Yoga Kids: Empower Kids for Life through Yoga is the book for you. It is a complete and creative guide for introducing kids to yoga through movement, mindfulness, fun, and games.

By introducing kids to yoga they will learn lifelong skills that will help them physically and mentally throughout life. Yoga can easily be incorporated in the home, school, extracurricular activities, camps, and clubs—anywhere you find kids who are ready to learn and have fun!
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Tags: Go Go Yoga Kids: Empower Kids for Life Through Yoga, A Creative Guide for Introducing Kids to Yoga Through Movement, Games, and Fun, the best children's yoga guide, guide to teaching kids yoga, introducing yoga to children, introducing kids to yoga, inspirational, ultimate guide, step by step guide

Children's Books | Transitions: 844 | Date: 2016-08-21

Lili and her mom are alone and have no home. They live where they can, until one day Lili’s mom finds them a new and exciting place to live. 
But when they move into the new house Lili finds that she is frightened in it and too afraid to sleep on her own. But things change when they find a stray dog with spots on his back and Lili’s mom says she can keep him. 
She names him Jax and with her new found friend snuggling down with her in her room, Lili is finally able to sleep alone. 

This charming children’s book is sure to keep young children, and their parents, entertained for many readings. It is full of surprises and memorable characters and is certain to be a bedtime favorite. 
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Tags: A Home For Jax, children’s books, popular children’s books, amazing, entertaining, children’s bedtime stories, bedtime books, fun, surprising, memorable, bedtime stories for kids and children, short bedtime stories, children’s book about dogs, best children’s fiction, books with dogs

E-Books | Transitions: 1120 | Date: 2016-08-14

The new addition to bedtime routines. 

Helps children that are in bed, stay in bed, and gives them a chance to develop their imagination, gain confidence and switch off after you switch off the light. 

What happens when you leave your child's room each night? Does your child drift off to sleep quickly or stay awake for ages? What happens right at the end of the bedtime routine before sleep? Often we leave it to chance. Sleep Scenes is a chance to change this...
..Using Sleep Scenes not only provides a welcome addition to your child's bedtime routine, but it is a great way to grow happy, imaginative, contented children. 
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Tags: Sleep Scenes, 50 scenarios to help your child drift off to sleep, Tips for Helping Your Child Fall Asleep, Ways to Make a Child's Bedtime Easy, How to Get Your Child to Sleep, getting the children to sleep, lovely bedtime stories, parents help, parents advice, children’s stories, bedtime stories

E-Books | Transitions: 899 | Date: 2016-07-05

This is a collection of short fun stories that are ideal for a quick read before bed.The stories will teach empathy and caring . For kids age 3-8. 
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Tags: Short Stories For Kids, Children's Stories with Moral Lessons, short fun stories for kids, short stories for children, fun bedtime stories, fun bedtime stories for kids, children's ebooks, Best  Children's eBooks Online

E-Books | Transitions: 1132 | Date: 2016-04-20

Hailey has been given a book from her Grandfather Tom it has stories of hidden treasure and maps. One of them is about the Legend of Tupa’s heart. Her grandfather would often tell her stories about all the treasure hunts that he went on, and the treasure he would find. Hailey wanted to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a treasure hunter too. 
Hailey’s grandfather was taking another trip, she begged for her and Milo ( her best friend) to come along this time, he agreed as long as they stayed out of trouble. The trip was to a church in a small town, Hailey recognised the name of the town and knew it was close to the book she had read on The legend of Tupa’s Heart. While Tom was investigating the church, Hailey and Milo took the opportunity to see if the legend was real. 
Children will love this book to read or have it read to them. The moral to the story at the end is a learning experience for all children.
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Tags: Hailey's Adventure: The Legend of Tupa's Heart, children’s ebooks, children’s books, best selling children’s books, action books for children, adventure books for children, children’s fiction, treasure, hidden treasure and maps, journey, treasure hunters

E-Books | Transitions: 1135 | Date: 2016-04-19

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