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It is 2777 and the SS Pioneer has been stranded on the other side of the universe for many months with no hope of rescue and no idea what the date is. To boost morale on the ship, Captain Matalan declares it is December Festival - the happiest and meatiest time of the year! 
With the aid of miraculous technology, Butch, Carol and John attempt to teach their Genericon engineer, Fingers, the true meaning of December Festival but can they do this without killing Fingers or themselves? 
Fearsome demons, colossal banquets, flying unicorns, heart-warming tales, radioactive mutants and homesickness combine to make this a December Festival that no one will forget! 
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Tags: Adventures into December Festival, Christmas in the 28th century is out of this world, Fearsome demons, colossal banquets, flying unicorns, heart-warming tales, radioactive mutants, homesickness, sci-fi, science fiction, humorous, entertaining, fantasy, parody,

E-Books | Transitions: 825 | Date: 2016-05-05

This is a story where Epic Mythologies and powerful heroes collide with incredible style and a sense of rhythm. In the world of Planet Bop, follow the tale of Buzzy better known as DJ B-Quick, The Spinner supreme as he embark on an epic journey teaming up with young, wild and reckless crew to save his mentor, Grandmaster Fearless from the clutches of MC Crispy and the Evil Dekeeto Dragon. Their reign of terror has awaken the worlds darkest creatures looking to take over Planet Bop and bring them Buzzys head. It's up to B-Quick and his squad to stop them. They must find all of the elements across the world to power up with their musical abilities and bring the noise to their front door and take their home back by bringing the fight to them. Before we take this ride remember, this is a planet at war like you've never seen. Expect to see nonstop action and hectic fun. Its time to AMPLIFY!!
Get it free. Click here
Tags: Amplify: The B-Quick Oddyssey, science fiction, sci-fi, science fiction and fantasy books, children’s sci-fi books, powerful heroes, super heroes, animated children’s books, epic, entertaining, adventure, journey, Fairy Tales, action and adventure, non stop action, extreme, musical, amazing, unique

E-Books | Transitions: 859 | Date: 2016-04-15