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AgUnity is a global technology platform empowering thousands of organizations working toward UN SDGs to connect the last mile. • OUR SOLUTION • Features • Integrated Services • Awards 1.8 billion people around the world live in poverty. AgUnity works hand-in-hand with its partners and clients to provide a viable means to reach the last mile people and lift them out of poverty. Need solutions for connecting with last mile communities? Click here to visit our website. |
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Hope for Children Foundation Hope for Children Foundation Gala celebrating the life of children and families in the United States. Click Here to Watch Video or |
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Making money is hard! If you've spent your hundreds of dollars into "Law of Attraction" seminars, books or DVD… Find The Real Magic of Success & Abundance Here |
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Grateful is going to take you on a 20-minute multi-sensory experience. You will do this by connecting with memories that engage you into a state of thankfulness. Learn More and Download Now. Click Here |
The Stories of Resilience, Courage, and Spiritual Transformation is a compilation of student essays written by Puerto Rican students who fled Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and moved into the arms of St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida. The narratives captured in this book accurately chronicle the impact this natural disaster had on their lives. These are stories of survival shared by a courageous and resilient group of young adults. Each student describes the devastation they experienced – days without food, water, gas and the means to communicate. Each one expressed the apprehension they felt about leaving their families and loved ones. For some, this would be the first time venturing out on their own. Reading these essays will move you to experience a diversity of emotions. Each student will take you on a journey; one filled with uncertainty, fear, anxiety, courage, resilience, and hope for a better future. Read More and Download Now. Click Here |
"A perfect guide for the parents of a trans child." amazon.com This holistic first of its kind transgender guide explores the rare challenges that hundreds of families tackle daily all over the UK and around the world. Read More and Download Now. Click Here |
"If you read one work of non-fiction this year; let this be it!" New York Times Best Selling Author J.L. King ......soldier, father and husband Charles E. Sullivan is home on leave. The night heat is almost unbearable. He looks patiently out the window at the trees that are swaying back and forth in the wind. Rain the size of a pebble is pounding on the roof top as if begging to get in. This is not new to him; he has lived on the island that sits off the coast of Georgia most of his life. His two young children jump as the lightning that flashes across the sky is followed by a roaring thunder that shakes the walls of their small home. There is a faint crackling sound and the house is blanketed in darkness. It is within that instance that the life of a loving family would change forever. His children are stolen, he is left a cripple and the wife he's loved since grade school abandons him. Fourteen years would go by before he would see them again. Read More and Get Your Copy of the Award Winning Memoir "Cucumbers Have Thorns and Snakes Love Strawberries" by Janice E. Sullivan Now. Click Here |
Wisdom of Friends with Kal Aras Learn More About Wisdom of Friends Products |
WISDOM OF FRIENDS Wisdom of Friends- is a heart to heart talk show where I interview fascinating, inspiring Global Contribution Initiative (GCI) is a social enterprise and a catalyst to benefit humanity. Your Friend and Host (Kal Aras, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur) Learn More. Click Here to Visit Our Website dsds |
Learn A Weird Trick To Get Your Ex Back. Going through a breakup, especially when you didn't want the relationship to end can be a very emotional time. Learn how to get your ex back in your arms before it is too late! Watch a free video and learn how to get them back! Click Here |
"Great read on the fundamentals of analysing people! Recommend this book!" amazon.com Would you like to be able to evaluate people through their body language and other hidden secrets? You can learn the secrets of this with How to Analyze People, a book which will help you to interpret both the verbal and nonverbal clues that give away a person’s true self. Get a copy of How to Analyze People today and see how it can work for you! Click Here |
Tap Into the 4,000 Year Old Science of Numerological Analysis Numbers are more than simply place-holders for quantities. DECODE YOUR DESTINY START YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED VIDEO NUMEROLOGY REPORT NOW! CLICK HERE |
This book was written to help you stay clear from Mr. Wrong and also to encourage your walk with Christ along the way. Get Your Copy Now. Click Here |
Halloween should be fun. It should be memorable, but danger lurks at Halloween. Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here |
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22, nearly 23-year-old power house Elisha Speed is on her biggest journey yet! Despite her shortcomings, the entrepreneur/actress continues to strive and help people realize that they have the power to create the lives they want. Where I Should Be By 33 is a mixture of self-help, inspiration, journalistic and biographic features that are meant to build to capture the essence of Elisha's journey and share it with her readers. Elisha knows that there are so many people like her who have dreams and want to achieve them at a certain time, which is why she wanted people to know that they are not alone in their struggles! Read More and Download for FREE. Click here |
Revealed: The Scientific Formula That Transforms an "Indifferent" Woman Into Your Adoring, Loyal Lover... Without using manipulative tricks, pretending to be someone you're not, or wasting any more of your time and money...So you can CHOOSE the woman you really want and make 100% sure you NEVER get broken up with or divorced by a woman ever again.. Never Get Broken up With Again, GUARANTEED! Click here to watch video |
“You are your own best guide.”~Laurene My soul purpose is to help others access their higher selves, guides and angels, to simultaneously elevate the collective energy of those who allow me to touch their lives. This elevation will enable you to be your own best guide and find the reason for your presence here on earth, your soul purpose. From this place you will move forward with the confidence that you are walking the path you have set for yourself. Learn more and book an appointment for a reading/healing. Click here |