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There is a growing interest among Baby-boomers and even Millennials to live full-time on the road in an RV. 
Some of them want to experience off-grid camping in national parks using solar power. 
Although it is possible to harvest the Sun’s energy to produce clean power, it comes at some expense and you must be willing to compromise.

There are actually very few portable solar tracking systems on the market. 
They are heavy, not very portable and they are expensive. 
The least expensive model is $1200. 

I have created a system that can be built by anyone using readily available parts. 
It is lightweight, easily assembled and it can be built for around $300.

Read More and Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Anywhere Under The Sun, Building Your Own Solar Tracker, David Weaver, solar power, solar systems, alternative energy, solar tracking system, portable solar trackers, solar tracker for RV, build your own portable solar tracker, DIY solar tracker, DIY solar tracking system for RV, cheap portable solar tracker

Technology | Transitions: 633 | Date: 2019-04-17

"This book has changed my life, literally. It's the ultimate RED PILL!"
"If you want to really understand what's going on in the wider world of social media/technology driven influence in the world of Facebook, Google, Twitter - GET THIS BOOK, BUY YOUR FRIENDS A COPY, GIVE IT AWAY AS A GIFT"

Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am), but who does one become when the thought is hijacked? We are no longer a society ruled by geographic lines in the sand laid by men who won and lost wars 50 years ago. Rather, we are a society governed by ideological variation, led by chieftains in a digital tribal society. This is the new world order and the precise opposite of what the self-proclaimed elites had planned. The United Nations is no more relevant than Facebook. The new covert is overt. WikiLeaks is more in the know than an intelligence analyst in the CIA, and Google’s dragnet surveillance censorship algorithm has become the new gatekeeper of critical information that could lead society into a new renaissance. The power shift has gone from a focus on kinetic controls to an all-out battle for the psychological core of the global population. Digitized influence operations have become the new norm for controlling the electoral process, public opinion, and narrative.

Forums, blog comments, hashtags, and YouTube videos have replaced the mainstream media, and the mainstream media has submitted to its position as the automaton regurgitators of the narrative that was introduced by the meme. The meme is the central character in digital influence operations (DIO), and DIO is the ingredient that fuels the new war space as well as the common thread of potency in political warfare, propaganda, and information warfare.

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Tags: Information Warfare, The Meme is the Embryo of the Narrative Illusion, James Scott, institute for critical infrastructure technology, computer and technology, social media, internet is changing the world, social media impact, internet impact on society, fake news, propaganda, youtube, facebook, twitter, google

Technology | Transitions: 578 | Date: 2018-04-10

It’s MORE than a saving on your shipping. Amazon Prime is a complete loyalty program for Amazon users. With the annual “shipping subscription”, you also gain a plethora of offers. This eBook will elaborate these features, which include: 
•The 14 things people don’t know about Amazon Prime subscription
•How to gain unlimited access and stream millions of ad-free music titles from Prime Music
•How to sync and use FREE and UNLIMITED storage space for your photos with Prime Photo 
•How to gain 30-minute early access to designer deals on MyHabit and Amazon Lightning Deals. Be on the deals before any other customer is allowed access to them!
Read more and buy now. Click here
Tags: Amazon Prime Membership Guide, Everything Amazon Prime Forgot to Highlight and You Forgot to Checkout, The complete guide to Amazon Prime, what is Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime subscription, How to gain unlimited access, Prime music, Prime photo, free storage space, unlimited storage space

Technology | Transitions: 784 | Date: 2016-09-19