
FAMOUS WORDS: What Famous People Said about Love and Sex and The Pursuit of Happiness - a book by Clive Lilwall, 11:52 AM

This book contains the words of famous people on matters that are of interest to us all. When you read what Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, John Lennon and others have said about love and sex and the pursuit of happiness, you’ll find sometimes you agree with their views, and sometimes you don’t.

The quotes in this book represent the stories of the people who created them, many surviving terrible circumstances to emerge with a view of the world that inspires millions. Anne Frank and Victor Frankl were both victims who suffered Nazi oppression, yet their words live on to give hope to their readers.

The author has included some humor, including examples from Rodney Dangerfield and Joan Rivers, who both managed to entertain the world while managing difficult situations. For too long, humor has been ignored in discussions of human behavior. At its best, humor is positive and enjoyable. It enables us to view situations in new ways.

Many collections of quotes concentrate on the words of dead white men. This collection represents an attempt to include men and women of all backgrounds, colors and ages. Dead and alive.

Learning more about the creators of the some of the world’s most memorable collections of words can be both an illuminating and entertaining way of understanding ourselves and others.

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Tags: Famous Words, Clive Lilwall, biographies of the rich & famous, best sellers in biographies of the rich & famous, rich & famous biographies & memoirs, celebrity biographies, famous biographies and autobiographies, quotes by famous people, famous quotes by famous people, most famous quotes of all time, quotes by famous people on life and success, motivational quotes by famous people